Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Stay dead please?

**(Picture Courtesy From Zerul a.k.a Julian)**

WDK took down Al'ar last night, is already a done deal on that boss. Is long overdue as well, as we we're focusing on our push towards Lady Vashj which we did. So now we're shifting our focus to Tempest Keep - The Eye, next stop should be High Astromancer Solarian. Couldn't be better timed with the new patch 2.2 rolled out to the live realms as we speak.

Suppose to fix/nerf/buff the fight, what ever you call it. Hopefully it won't be another 2-3 weeks of learning phase on this boss. But I have faith with everyone, we should get the job done sooner then later =P.

Just need to keep the momentum rolling.

Morez purpelz inc!!!