Easy Mode On.
As per my expectation, the patch version 2.1 did not roll out on last night’s maintenance. So another week of “Easy Mode”, hoping for some great run this week. Monday run on Gruul’s wasn’t that impressive, but certainly another moment to ponder about. Main tank died thru on Growth no.13, just about when we manage to drop him on 1% HP left in him. Paladins were happy on that night, another week of loots that we’re least to expect from it.
Trying to look forward to patch version 2.1, all level 70 epic gears are getting buffs. More improvements on the stats on them to compensate some of the nerf’s certain classes will be getting on the next patch. I don’t think the next patch will make much impact on everyone’s game play. Everyone just need to improvise on the changes or at least make adjustment to the changes.
All the gear changes according to my friend, is to help those player who don’t have chance to progress fast in the player vs. environments content in the game. I would say this is bullshit, but I’ve dare not to back this up with my own words. Mainly players across the other continent have the edge over us on the internet connections. As well as the mentality of self over others, is already hard to please 40 peoples last time around. I hope people would understand the concept of being a team player at times.