Tuesday, January 08, 2008

2008 Raiding Commence

again, We raided SSC last night. Almost one shotted everything that cross our path, I guess everyone is rusty as I've predicted. Actually everyone predicted that lol, but our memory on the boss fights still fresh as always in our mind. Apart from some hiccups but nothing serious to implicate that we're going to have trouble hitting Mount Hyjal & Black Temple soon.

I was assign to heal last night, need to get used to raid healing again as a whole. I suck last night, and the only fight that I'm able to show some positive results we're on Fathom-Lord Karathress. I love healing on this fight, also able to benchmark how well a healer can sustain on the fight with their mana pool. I think I was holding back, but I hope I didn't, looking forward for tomorrow's raid.

Hope that I get the chance to go Feral Combat this time, is been awhile since I raided as a non healer XD.

Patch 2.3.2 is today, see you guys & gals at Azeroth/Outland.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Lagging or Just Lazy?

One month break from raiding has already reached the end, WDK will raid again starting tomorrow 6th of January 2008. Would the raid succumb to the "rusty" syndrome ? or can we pick up from where we left off from 2007 and improve on it? I really want to see Illidan Stormrage before the next big patch comes version 2.4, which would feature the last 25mans instance before the next expansion comes out.

Many other SEA guilds already starting to raid The Black Temple for the past couple of week, so do WDK have the momentum to catch up with them? Can we make up the time lost in between the past one month of no raid? Are we still going back to the "farming" instances? Certainly everyone would be eager to raid, BUT are you Prepared?

Are we going to make the same old mistakes over and over again? Are we going to stuck on a boss for another couple of months? I really hope not, cause seriously we have the capability to perform better when it matters. Just at time out focus are often interrupted with some ill judgments which can be avoided every time. What ever the case is, I hope 2008 will bring more "hunger" then "haggling" for WDK.

As always, For The Horde!!! We Are Prepared?

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Arena for PvE,

Are you one of them? I've just got my 1st piece of Season 3 Arena class specific set to upgrade my previous healing legging from Karazhan the Earthsoul Leggings which I've been using for almost 8-9 months for raiding. Don't blame me for the lack of upgrades I've not been doing, Our guild have shit luck on drops class sets drops.

Let's put that aside and continue on our discussion on PvP to PvE. I get most of the people are doing it at the moment, but is it a viable option for most of the people out there? Is there any much different from raiding to gear yourself up? Obviously there is, you need to spend DKP to purchase the items you want also depends on how hardcore of a raider you are. The major downside on this is you have to fight among you guildmates of them, most of it are class specific loots.

This always leaves you with no option but to spend a very high amount of DKP points on them if we really want it and render us pointless on getting other cross class items. On top of it, some are item upgrades for them as well as for yourself. Things always turn out bad, but eventually everyone would have the same share on the loots in time. But if you would spend the same amount of time to get the Season 3 class specific set as your PvE upgrades the only thing you need to sacrifice is time. Also eliminating the inconsistency of the item drops on instances, but you lose out on the important stats for PvE most of them are Spirit, Spell Chance to Hit, Melee/Range Chance to Hit just to name a few of them.

But if they are clearly upgrades for you, there is always other option on gears to balance back the stats you lost out from them from other slots. So if you are doing this at the moment, I hope you spend your DKP point wisely on the other slots items so you don't gimp yourself completely in PvE environment.