Sunday, December 30, 2007

Will Tank for Badge of Justice...

Often called upon when needed, some say Feral tank = easy mode. I say this is almost the same skill that you need to learn from any other classes that can tank. I've read so many guides and blogs out there about how to maximise or improve you're tanking skills. I have to admit and "kowtow", it really takes experience. To be honest I love tanking, holding on the mobs and building hate all around them as much as I can. But at times certain situation requires experience of a veteran player who played much of his time in WoW as a meat shield.

Last night heroic was another good example of me being an inexperience as a seasonal tank, Shattered Halls was the instance that we went. I've must be wondering the last time I was tanking we breeze over like it was a walk in the park. Class composition on my last visit there was Feral Druid, Holy Paladin, Combat/Hybrid Rogue, Enhancement Shaman and Destruction Warlock, 5 badges in our bag pretty easily with some minor wipes after Grand Warlock Nethekurse room heading to Blood Guard Porung (Heroic).

Did some readjustments and we manage to get through and finish of the time event, yesterday was no exception. Did the same routine only to wipe on our way to Warbringer O'mrogg, was a stupid called that I made. I was using my technical knowledge on mobs to kill rotation, Cloths > Plates or Casters > Melees and it turn out bad. Wipe we we're, thus plans we're changed and Shattered Hand Legionnaire need to be killed beforehand in order for the extra adds to be spawned if he is not killed in time.

1st packed cleared, my healer nearly died. I was wondering why this was harder then my last run I did with almost the same class composition, only changes was out with Combat/Hybrid Rogue in a Frost Mage. Probably our same Destruction Warlock wasn't on TeamSpeak thus the communication wasn't there to help feared the mobs away from our healer? But I blame most of my text book mistakes on myself, for not brushing up on it. Wipe again on the 2nd sets of pack, because I've decide we should fight at the hall way instead of the small section room area before the hall way to O'mrogg.

Yet another text book mistake on decision to clear the mobs there. My credibility as a tank might have taken another step down the hill from the view of the officers, well I hope not. Cause I have to prove to them I can do better if given the chance again.

Can't really wonder more on last night run, but eventually hope it will not happen again. I think is about time I write on some where what I should do when being tank and not do when being a tank. Keyboard turning almost minimised and I'm need to step up on my awareness again. WTB more PvP arena matches XD, lol.

Speaking of which, Ill write up my views on my terribad adventure of my current arena escapade.

For now, give me chance again and ill prove them wrong. GULP... XD

Changes, again. Seems pretty boring...

Yeah another change to my blog, If you must then you can just browse around my older posts since the beginning. Which has no relation with my current focus/topic of discussion on my blog.

Putting this blog purely focus on my favorite past time that I've spend so much time on for the past 2 years, yes World of Warcraft.

Why the sudden change again? I have nothing much to talk about on my real life, as you can see that I've spend so much time on this game as I think is more appropriate for me to shift blog entries towards World of Warcraft. If you guys & gals not knowing about it yet, I play a character class Druid in WoW. Horde faction & of course a tauren, what makes me choose this class instead of others was purely a needed class when I 1st started off when I started playing this game on my 1st server that I was in which was Smolderthorn.

SycK, the guild I've been for the past 1 and a half year may it be rain or shine things eventually didn't turn out well in the end. I just don't have time for anymore "drama" with the game that I've enjoy so much as a gamer and a person behind the computer screen. In then end I choose to move myself from Smolderthon server and switched to Tichondrius. Thus Wad De Kao was my new solace.

Keeping people alive was my main role as a player, never get tired of it. Never will, but at times the urge of doing other then healing with my Druid may just eventually sway my way of thinking. But with my current role as a triple class in one, I may well be just want the raid wanted? or just there to fill in the gap left by the non hybrid classes. No complains, I've always put my personal goals aside and shit it more into a team effort.

Knowing my roles at times would eventually be a win or a lose situation. So changes week in week out for me wouldn't be much of a problem. But I sure would like to have a permanent role with the guild if given the chance again. Knowing that I've apply to my current guild as a Restoration druid. I doubt they would want me to fill in another role other than that.

So much rant again, with no drama ? hopefully. Next raid will bring in some fresh mental and intelligences and bring us to the highest achievement that is available in the game at the moment, Illidan Stormrage. I would like to see him before the next big patch, which would probably would be implemented in the next 2 months. But I hope for it to be longer, but with the much of the hardcore guilds out there in US and EU servers all farming the end game content for the past 4-5 months. Ill doubt they would haggle on the next patch.

So fingers cross, hopes a lot. Hope to see you soon Illidan Stormrage.